XO Explore Limited


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Hopefully we can answer all your questions here, but if there is anything else you want to know, please contact us on hello@xoraces.com.

Click on a question to reveal the answer.

Only your running shoes. XO is a running or walking event, so you don’t need any other equipment.

Nope. We set the course up so there are decisions to make for all teams. It’s highly unlikely that teams can complete every checkpoint.

Unfortunately not. However, we do allow free substitutions until the event day start window. Give us a shout if any issues, and we can put a shout out on socials.

Afraid not. However, please come down to Basecamp and have a chat with the team. We’ll make it happen.

There are often points for any achievement level on the physical challenges. Points just for getting there, in effect. The mental challenges are always achievable… just depends how much thought you give!

The start window is between 7pm and 7.30pm. If you start at 7.01pm or 7.29pm, you’ll still have 90 minutes from when you start.

If you arrive after 7.30pm, you can still start, but your timer will be counting down from a 7.30pm start. So if you start at 8pm, you’ll have 60 minutes to complete your XO.

Entry into the XO, use of the tech and live leader board and access to prizes post-event. In addition, we’ll buy everyone a drink in Basecamp after you’ve finished.

Yes, we’ll have phone chargers onsite.

We recognise Open, Female and Male teams in XO. There are no age categories in XO.

We have First Aid trained members of the XO team out on bikes around the course. They are equipped to deal with minor medical issues. Anything major, please call 999, and let Event Control know. There is means to do this via the app.

We do allow free substitutions until the event day start window. Give us a shout if any issues, and we can put a shout out on socials.

As above, we do allow free substitutions until the event day start window. Give us a shout if any issues, and we can put a shout out on socials.

Usually, our events are in city centre locations. Use local car parks. It will be in the event description if there is parking available.

Absolutely not. You can walk it all, or run like the clappers. Both situations are completely fine.

Give us a shout with as much notice as possible, and we can put a shout out on socials about the opportunity.

Usually, Basecamp is a bar or event space, so there aren’t showers available.

Usually, we’ll have a challenge checkpoint in a location where we’ve agreed use of the toilets.

We have First Aid trained members of the XO team out on bikes around the course. They are equipped to deal with minor medical issues and equipment problems. Please let Event Control know via the app, and they can coordinate an on course response.

XO Explore Limited

Example Timeline of a Race


Basecamp revealed. Get your kit ready. Shave your head for speed. Eat that last cake and convince yourself you’re carb-loading. It’s almost time…

6pm onwards

Arrive at Basecamp. When you arrive you’ll be asked to scan the Arrival code, which will shift the XO App into Race Mode. At this point, the map is revealed, detailing the locations of the checkpoints throughout the city. Retire to a quiet corner to plan your strategy; you’ve got all the info you need, right? Wrong…


Event Briefing. It’s short. We say stuff. It’s important. Don’t miss it.


Start Window Opens. You have a 30 minute window from this point in which to start. Each team is off their own personal clock, so there is no fixed ‘Start Time’. Only once you scan the Start code will the points allocations for the checkpoints be revealed. Strategic changeup…but this time, the clock is ticking.


Event Briefing. As above. This covers the same information as the one at 6.50pm. Teams do not need to attend both safety briefings.


Start Window Closes. The countdown begins for any teams running late. You can still start after the Start Window closes, but you will have less time. Best get a wriggle on.


Finish Window Closes. Once you return to Basecamp, scan the Finish code to stop the clock and end your XO race. Time for that free drink from the bar…


Presentations and Wrap Up.

How to Use the App

On race day you will be required to have the up-to-date version of the XO Races App. If you’ve not used it before, this handy video clip will be really useful to watch.

XO Races App

To take part in XO Races you will need to have the latest version of our app installed on your phone. The app is also where you book onto our events, so make sure to download the app now if you haven't already.

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