XO Explore Limited


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Partner with XO

We’re always keen to hear from partners about how we might work together. This might be Basecamps or checkpoint locations, or stuff to give out for free after the event. It might be offers that we can email out, or competitions we can run on socials.

XO also aim to partner with a local charity in each location. We commit to giving £2 per entry to this charity, over a period of 12 months. After that point, we’ll look to change the partner charity, so the benefits of partnering with XO are shared.

For any partnership opportunity, we’re keen for a chat, so please get in touch via hello@xoraces.com.

Using the XO Tech

We’re pretty clear that there are better people than us to deliver XO in new locations. We understand what – in our opinion – is required for a good XO event, but that doesn’t give us the local expertise, contacts and presence to deliver a successful event.

We’re really excited to hear about local contacts, so if you think XO could work for you, please give us a shout on hello@xoraces.com.

XO Races App

To take part in XO Races you will need to have the latest version of our app installed on your phone. The app is also where you book onto our events, so make sure to download the app now if you haven't already.

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Our Partners

Our Charity Partners